Friday, November 17, 2006

The Power of the Little Goddess

Athena stands here unaware of the attention she is recieving from a rather large sea turtle. He seems to be taking in her very essence, yet she is oblivious to all but the joy of running barefoot and free.

Lately the poor lass has been suffering from teething pain and gets rather beastly in her sleep, waking up and crying at various times in the night. She does not like being hungry at all. Even so if she is having a hunger fit and I have her use words, she will stop in the middle of the drama, smile and say, "Juice Please." Just as sweet as Scarlet O'Hara could.

In the rain and mud she has kept up with her older brothers. Of course there is always the deficiency in minerals in her diet so she also eats mud whenever allowed (Here meaning not watched every little micro-second). Truly, I feed her well and she gets vitamins in the morning.
Attila and she love to jump on the bed and play, "Where's Athena." With Nobu, she and he swap food. Each tries to eat out of the other's bowl, so it comes out about even.

Lately she thinks it is great fun to pull my hand to her mouth, and try to bite it. I do not find it as fun if I am not paying attention and she gets a bite in. Geezo Peezo, that girl has some sharp teeth and a strong jaw. Athena has also decided to practice magic. I believe she is studying Houdini. As tight as her carseat can be adjusted is nothing for the little one to get out of. Did I forget to mention she does this as the car is moving down the road? Love that girl.


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